TMJ Treatment St. Augustine
Gaining Freedom from Jaw Pain

It is believed that more than 20 million people in the United States are living with temporomandibular joint (TMD) disorder. It occurs when the jaw joints on either side of your head become inflamed as a result of damage, stress, or a misaligned bite. The pain that can occur and spread throughout the head, neck, and face can become debilitating if left untreated, but Dr. Lee offers a solution. With TMJ treatment in St. Augustine, he can help you gain freedom from the pain and start living your best life. Call us today if you would like to schedule a consultation.
Why Choose Total Dental Care: Tony Lee, DMD for TMJ Treatment?
- Your Dental Insurance is Welcome
- BOTOX-Like Treatment with Xeomin
- One-on-One Attention from Dentist & Dental Team
Do I Have TMJ Disorder?

Apart from jaw pain, you may not know if your condition is considered TMD; however, if you notice any of these other symptoms, you should make sure to call and schedule an appointment with our office as soon as possible:
- Clicking or popping jaw
- Lockjaw
- Earaches
- Pain throughout your face, jaw, and neck
- Stiffness throughout your jaw
- Teeth and bite that do not align
- Difficulty chewing or biting down
- Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)
- Chronic headaches or migraines
TMJ Treatment Options

Treating TMD requires a thorough consultation and diagnostic imaging. When meeting with Dr. Lee, you can expect that he will discuss the severity of your condition and go over the various treatment options that are available in-house.
The most prominent method of care that we use is BOTOX injections. Using an injectable known as Xeomin, Dr. Lee can administer the solution to the muscles surrounding your jaw joints, causing them to temporarily relax. You will notice a difference in how your face, head, and neck feel within days, allowing you to enjoy greater oral function and freedom from pain.
We also provide equilibration should we find that your bite is the cause of your TMD. By altering specific teeth, we can help create a more fluid motion, ensuring that any pressure is more evenly distributed among your bite.
If you experience teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism), we can also have a customized occlusal splint crafted for you. Not only will this protect your teeth from wear and tear but also reduce any pressure and tension placed on your jaw joints throughout the day and/or night.
BOTOX Alternative for TMJ Treatment

If you struggle with persistent jaw pain and other symptoms of TMD, Dr. Lee may be able to provide fast relief via Xeomin, a BOTOX alternative. These fast and simple injections can help to relax overworked muscles and work in conjunction with other TMJ therapies, such as equilibration or an occlusal splint. Xeomin can provide months of powerful pain relief and help you get back to living your life!
What Is BOTOX?

BOTOX is a brand name of botulinum toxin. Xeomin is a slightly different formula, so it is sold under a different name. However, it has the same main ingredient. When the neurotoxin is strategically injected into facial muscles, it limits their ability to move. In turn, they are forced to relax. As a result, this can reduce issues like painful tension in the face, migraines, and headaches.
Most patients start to notice results within a few days of their Xeomin injections, with optimum relief occurring after 5 – 10 days. The results can last for several months at a time.
Are You a Good Candidate for BOTOX for TMJ Treatment?

Xeomin might be right for you if you are experiencing persistent symptoms of TMJ disorder, such as jaw pain and tenderness, limited jaw movements, headaches and migraines, chewing difficulties, neck pain, and ringing in your ears.
After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Lee may recommend that you undergo injections to relax your facial muscles. Please note that because Xeomin does not address the root cause of TMD, it is often best used as a complement for other treatments.
How Can BOTOX Treat TMJ Disorder?

The effectiveness of BOTOX and Xeomin stems from their ability to relax stressed and overworked muscles, which can help to reduce pain in the jaw joints and surrounding tissues. There is a body of research to support the effectiveness of BOTOX as a means of TMJ pain relief. For example, one study found that BOTOX improved symptoms in 90% of TMD sufferers.
If Xeomin is right for you, you may need just one round of injections. As other treatments address the cause of your disorder, you might not need additional Xeomin. However, some patients experience the best results by returning multiple times for injectable treatment.