Root Canal Treatment St. Augustine

Preserving Your Tooth for Better Oral Health

Root canal treatment is a procedure Dr. Lee performs in-house that is designed to preserve a tooth’s structure after its infected or inflamed pulp is removed. This sensitive area includes many blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues, resulting in pain and other symptoms when damaged. By offering this procedure, our team at Total Dental Care can help you keep your natural tooth so that you avoid more serious oral health issues down the road. Give us a call if you think you might need root canal treatment.

Why Choose Total Dental Care for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Nitrous Oxide & Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry
  • Same-Day Dental Emergency Appointments
  • High-Resolution Smile Imaging for Treatment Planning

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Dr. Lee will begin by ensuring you feel no pain. This is achieved by administering local anesthesia and sedation dentistry if required. Once the tooth is isolated, he will make a small opening in the crown of the affected tooth and begin to clean out the infected tissues and pulp chamber. After removing the pulp, he will sterilize the inner structure before filling it with a biocompatible substance known as gutta-percha. This will take the place of the pulp. He will then seal the tooth before having a customized dental crown crafted for maximum, long-lasting protection.