Sleep Apnea Treatment St. Augustine

No More Interrupted Sleep

Millions of people go to bed late, neglecting the necessary sleep that is needed to function at their best the following day. Yet, some go to bed early only to experience interrupted sleep because of obstructed breathing. Known as sleep apnea, this condition can result in chronic fatigue, irritability, and confusion. It can even lead to serious health problems and dangerous actions, like drowsy driving. Dr. Lee and our staff at Total Dental Care want to help by offering sleep apnea treatment so that you can get the rest you need. Let us know if you would like to schedule an appointment today.

Why Choose Total Dental Care for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

  • Oral Appliances – Snoreguards – Available
  • Private, Locally Owned Dental Practice
  • Dental Patient & Comfort-Focused Care

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Only a formal diagnosis with a sleep study can determine if you need treatment, but should you notice any of the following, make sure to call our office:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Loud snoring
  • Irritability
  • Morning headaches
  • Interrupted sleep caused by ceased breathing
  • Gasping for air or choking when waking up
  • Loss of libido
  • Insomnia
  • Dry mouth or sore throat
  • Forgetfulness

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options

Many sleep dentists recommend CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy because of how long it has been used to treat sleep apnea. Although effective for some, they are typically not a favorite among patients. CPAP machines are often bulky, difficult to use or maneuver, and loud, making it difficult to get the sleep you need.

We offer an alternative solution – oral appliances. Known as snoreguards, these custom devices are worn while you sleep and require no masks or machinery. They are similar to a mouthguard, which makes them portable and easy to use. When worn correctly, your jaw will shift forward slightly so that your airway remains unobstructed throughout the night.

Instead of your soft palate or tongue falling back onto your throat and creating a blockage, you’ll be able to breathe freely while you sleep.